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Siebenwurst Werkzeugbau
GmbH Zwickau
Herschelstraße 4
08060 Zwickau
Postfach 20 09 37
08009 Zwickau
+ 49 (375) 81 43-0
+ 49 (375) 81 43-299

Our Business

Our Business


We are proud to look back on more than 30 years of history as Siebenwurst Werkzeugbau GmbH in Zwickau. The company was founded by Leonhard and Christian Siebenwurst at the historic automotive location Zwickau in 1991. Both entrepreneurs are experts of tool manufacturing and mold construction and also run the family owned company Christian Karl Siebenwurst GmbH & Co. KG Modell- und Formenbau in Dietfurt, Altmühltal.
At the beginning 55 employees – expert, who learned tool manufacturing from scratch in the Sachsenring-Trabant plant - were available. The newly founded company Siebenwurst Werkzeugbau GmbH was able to stand its ground with high quality handcraft, enthusiasm and dedication and finally reached to acquire numerous new customers within the automotive industry and beyond.

This was the beginning of a continuous development - a real success story.

As a strong and reliable partner of the national and international automotive and its supplying industry, we have always faced the market requirements from the very beginning. You will find the milestones of our company’s history below.

First production facility in Zwickau within the former Tool manufacturing plant of VEB Sachsenring


Foundation of the company by Leonhard and Christian Siebenwurst. A turnover of DM 5 million  was reached within the first year of company’s business.


At the pressing plant of Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH tool maintenance as well as the complete tool service have been performed by Siebenwurst Werkzeugbau on-site since the new pressing plant was brought on line.

Further years with a constant growing number of customers and increasing turnover.


The rented premises reached the capacity limit.
The company moved to the newly built complex with modern and convenient production facilities at the present location in the industrial area Kopernikusstrasse. More than 3.000 m2 of production floor and 880 m2 of office space are in use and three further stages of expansion are to be realized. By 1997, the number of employees had risen to 100 – experts in the fields of design, manufacturing and quality assurance.

Building site preparation of the new location at Herschelstraße 4, Zwickau


1st Expansion: Extension of production floor to 4.300 m2, extension of machinery, e. g. the investment in a Heyligenstaedt portal milling machine

Aerial view after completion of the new production and office facilities in 1997


A further expansion by 950 m2, respectively by 700 m2 to 5,200 m2 of production space and to 1,580 m2 of office space was realized as well as a new technology department for working media based sheet metal and pipe forming was established.

Further Expansion of production floor and office space in 2002


Commissioning of a 40.000 kN combined press for internal and external high pressure forming as well as for conventional use.


A new design department was established in Eisenach employing 13 highly qualified staff.


3rd Expansion: a newly built production hall with floor space of 1,400m2 was built. The assembly and commissioning of the second Heyligenstaedt portal milling machine was assembled and commissioned.